Our Copyright Policy

This copyright policy sets out how visitors and users of our BusinessLeadershipManagement (BLM) site are permitted to use/peruse our content. This policy elaborates on the types of uses that require the purchase of additional licences and forms part of our terms and conditions.

We can only provide good journalistic/editorial insights as well as content coverage because our users comply with our copyright policy. We reserve the right to change our copyright policy from time to time. The changes become effective immediate and supersede any previous policy with effect from publication.

This version of the copyright policy was published on 25 September 2019.

What is copyright?

The copyright law gives the copyright owner the exclusive right to control the use of copyright protected works as it deems fit.

All of the material published on our website and other digital/wireless platforms is protected by the copyright law. Use that is made without our permission or formal approval may constitute a breach and an infringement of our copyright and can result in personal and corporate liability.

What can I do with BLM’s content?

You may:

  • View our content on any device for your convenience.
  • Share the articles using the links or sharing tools that we have made available.

May I republish or redistribute BLM’s content?

You may not do so except through the sharing of the articles outlined in our point above. There may be no republishing or redistributing of full text articles, for example by pasting them into emails or republishing them in any media.

We derive our revenue from our content and therefore would permit limited republishing and redistribution of it.

You may share the first 140 characters of our article on your Twitter feed and add the link to the original article.

Am I allowed to copy or summarise limited parts of FT full text content?

As specified above you may not republish or redistribute full text articles (except as permitted by any sharing tools we make available).

You may however republish or redistribute ”Summaries” of FT articles if you comply with the conditions set out below. “Summaries” can be either an “extract” or an “abstract”. By “extract” we mean 30 words copied verbatim from an FT article which are inserted into a longer original work . By “abstract” we mean a 30 word non-verbatim summary of the news or facts reported in an FT article which does not form part of a longer work and does not misrepresent the original FT article.

To create a summary of our articles, you will need to cite BLM as its source.

If BLM notifies you that it believes you are creating, republishing or redistributing articles from its site, you will need to cease what you are doing immediately. Your rights for those actions will have been deemed to be withdrawn by BLM unless it reaches an agreement with you on the use of those articles.